Laser Therapy (Coming soon)

Mainstone Vets will soon be offering Laser Therapy

LASER therapy does not treat conditions, it stimulates the body’s inherent healing mechanisms via a process called photobiomodulation. Through a combination of different wavelengths, power and frequency of laser light we are able to achieve improved healing times, pain reduction, increased circulation and decreased swelling.

Patients do not require any sedation or restraint and many patients actually enjoy the sensation. Most treatments can be done within a consultation and in many an improvement can be seen within the first visit. Some however do take 3-4 sessions to see a change. The schedule of treatments will vary depending upon the condition, but this will be discussed with the case vet before your sessions.:

Laser therapy can help treat a wide range of conditions effectively and without pain:

  • Joint Pain and Osteoarthritis
  • Tendonitis
  • Edema and Congestion
  • Chronic pain / Lameness
  • Fractures / Sprains / Strains
  • Trauma, Puncture Wounds
  • Dermatitis
  • Neck and Back Pain
  • Hip Dysplasia
  • Burns, Infected & Chronic Wounds
  • Rehabilitation
  • Recovery from surgery

We are currently in the process of purchasing our Laser so watch this space!

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